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FAT Ice Race coming January 30th to February 1st 2026! A day full of high speed corners, hot engines, spiked tires, and racing spirit. The winter highlight of intense freedom, precision, and speed for car aficionados and friends alike.
💫 30th Jan - 1st Feb 2026
🏎️ 4WD, 2WD, Buggies, Skijöring, Classic
🍔 Great food and loads of drinks all dayRacing For
The New Generationmarquee loading...
A Very Nice Program
Ice Race is a festival celebrating cars and their status in culture, uniting those who share passion for automotive excellence now and in the future. This unique racing event features various classes, including the distinctive mixed class of Skijöring and exhibitions showcasing rare and exotic cars.
💫 Festival Celebrating Cars
🏎️ 4WD and 2WD races
🛷 Skijöring — The Spirit of Ice Race
🚙 Buggies and Classics
👯 Taxi and Show Drives
✨ Rare and ExoticsAll About Cars
All Day Longmarquee loading...
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